FRIDAY JUNE 23rd 3:30p - 5:00p
(3:30p reception / 4:00p - 5:00p event)
230 East Walworth Ave. Delavan
Blind tasting is one of the most difficult yet rewarding processes for a wine enthusiast. Often misunderstood, blind tasting doesn't
literally mean tasting a wine without being able to see it but tasting a wine with no idea of provenance, grape varieties, vintage, or any evidence really other than the liquid in front of you.
Whether you want to tune your senses or find out if you are a super-taster, you will walk out with a better understanding with Sommelier Anthony Garcia at this private event hosted in the lower level at Boxed and Burlap’s DOWNTOWN location.
reception include a glass of bubbles
event includes wine + food pairings
reception + event include access to the lower level, good company + quality information